I am pleased to tell you that Carom Shot and Straight Pool will be published in e-book editions through Köehler Publishing by mid-April.
E-Book Publishing is in response to many requests over the past several years. When Carom Shot was published in 2005, e-book publishing was in its infancy. In fact, the publisher never even suggested it to me and my contract did not so provide. By the time Straight Pool was being published, e-books seemed to be uncertain in terms of utility. Then, came Kindle and Amazon, Nook and Sony Books and before you knew it, half the books published in the U.S. were being published in electronic format.
In 2009, before the demise of Borders, I suggested that my then publisher consider e-books. We were beginning to talk about the same in the context of my next book Scratched when, unfortunately, I was afflicted with Guillian-Barré. I can assure you that took 2009 and 2010 out of any thought of writing. In fact, Scratched really was not completed until 2011 and did not get to my readers until 2012. By that time, of course, e-books had matured.
My agent, Paula Munier, suggested that it would be likely that a publisher would want to be able to have the first two books in an electronic version as part of a publication package to introduce Scratched. That made sense to me and that is eventually what has happened.
So, faithful readers, tell your freidns to watch for Carom Shot and Straight Pool on their electronic readers in mid-April.