Every author acknowledgement section, those last pages we often skip by since the novel is complete. contains a salute to the folks behind the writer, those that have stood by, commented, and given the book its birth to a reading public. For the most part, their roles are not identified. Not so in Scratched. Its initial readers were invaluable, giving insights as to the book's texture, characters, and plots. Like the first editors of a film, readers are the shock troops of the author, bearing up under misspellings, scene goofs, bad grammar, and plot mistakes. Mine were fearless and patient.
First, Jack Manning, a retired bank executive in Connecticut who professes not to read that much fiction. He hit home runs in thought process, characterization and pacing. Thanks, Jack. For one who would prefer non-fiction and the straight story, you were so correct in your comments.
Next, Nora Christenson, "Paddie Pollard " to me, a poet and winner of the American Poetry Prize some years ago. Once again, thorough, insightful , questioning, patient, and all done with wit.
Finally , Jim Taricani, the iconic television crime and corruption reporter, respected locally and nationally for his fight for reporter freedoms,who knows the "boys" and the Mob , and understands its codes. Thanks, Jim, for everything from hints on speech and wardrobe to how much chalk goes on a pool cue tip. You are the best.
So , dear readers, whatever you think of Scratched when it comes out, the readers helped to shape it although the author rightly takes the stings and what ever accolades that come his way. But it never would have been born without the readers.